Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

Just a 2-minute walk from JR Takayama Train Station and Takayama Nohi Bus Center, Guesthouse Tomaru offers an renovated 80-year old Japanese-style accommodation. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property. Sanmachi Important Preservation District ...

Viso kambarių: 4

Svarbi informacija

This hostel has only showers. Guests wishing to use a bathtub must go to one of the public baths or hot springs near the hostel. There are 2 Western-style toilets, one on each floor. Lights are turned off at 23:00. There is no curfew, but the entrance is locked from 23:00-08:00. Guests can come and go freely using a PIN code. Guests receive sheets and pillowcases from the reception at check-in and are expected to fit them on their own. Upon check-out, guests should remove the linens and place them in the indicated basket. Children 9 years and younger cannot be accommodated in any way (including existing beds) in dormitory rooms.

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