Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

Located in San Rafael, Hotel Dali can be found just 100 metres from the San Rafael Cathedral and the town center. The hotel features a concierge service and bar. Rooms at Hotel Dali feature a TV, air conditioning and cable channels.

Viso kambarių: 36

Svarbi informacija

Please note the based on local tax laws, all Argentinian citizens and resident foreigners must pay an additional fee (VAT) of 21%. Only foreigners who pay with a foreign credit card, debit card or via bank transfer are exempt from this 21% additional fee (VAT) in accommodation and breakfast when presenting a foreign passport or a foreign ID along with a supporting document handed by the national migrations authority, if applicable.

Daugiau informacijos »
  • Liftas
  • Belaidis internetas veikia visose patalpose
  • Visą parą dirbanti registratūra
  • Bagažo saugykla
  • Konsjeržo paslaugos
Maistas ir gėrimai
  • Baras
  • Internetas
  • Belaidis internetas
  • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
  • Vieta automobiliui
  • Nemokama vieta automobiliui
  • Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė (vietoje)


San Rafael oro uostas 7,3 km