Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

Just a 4-minute walk to Anamori Inari Station, and only a 10-minute drive from Haneda Airport, Hotel Mystays Haneda offers well-equipped rooms and apartments, free WiFi and a café restaurant.

Viso kambarių: 174

Svarbi informacija

Apgyvendinimo mokestis asmeniui už naktį į kainą neįskaičiuotas ir turi būti sumokėtas apgyvendinimo įstaigoje. Please note, the credit card that was used to guarantee the reservation will be charged with applicable cancellation charges in the event of cancellation after the cancellation deadline. When booking 10 rooms or more, different policies and additional supplements may apply. Please contact the property directly for more details. Free shuttles to/from the Haneda Airport are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see the shuttle schedule for more information. The shuttles from the airport to the hotel depart at 22:47, 23:07, 23:37, 23:47, 24:00, 24:10 and 24:25. Please contact the property directly for details. From January 12st 2022, departures from Terminal 2 will be abolished due to the closing of the bus terminal from Terminal 2.From Terminal 2 to Terminal 1, please take the Haneda Airport free shuttle bus between terminal or the underground passageway. Please note: - Please note that a blue and white shuttle bus departs from Haneda International Airport, but only the blue shuttle takes guests to Hotel Mystays Haneda. The white one will take guests to Hotel Mystays Premier Omori. -If the bus is full, guests may not be able to board the bus. -The shuttle service may not be available for groups of 8 or more guests as the bus has a limited seating. -Guests with large luggage such as surfboards and snowboards may not be allowed to board the bus for other guests' safety. Alipay is accepted at the property. Please note that the hotel will undergo electrical installation inspections according to statutory requirements the following dates/times: 16th May 2024 Thursday, 11:00-14:00. During this period, all power supplies, including those in the laundry rooms and elevators, will be interrupted. As a result, the restaurant will be closed during the power outage. Wi-Fi will not be available.

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  • Speciali vieta rūkymui
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  • Skalbimo paslaugos
  • Lyginimo paslaugos
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  • Bagažo saugykla
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  • Kelnių presas
  • Gėrimų prekybos automatas
  • Pervežimas iš / į oro uostą (nemokamai)
  • Kasdienės tvarkymo paslaugos
  • Pervežimo paslaugos
Maistas ir gėrimai
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  • Vaikams tinkami patiekalai
  • Internetas
  • Belaidis internetas
  • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
  • Vieta automobiliui
  • Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė (vietoje)
  • Privati automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
  • Vieta automobiliui garaže
  • Elektrinių transporto priemonių įkrovimo stotelė
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  • Dūmų detektorius
  • Gesintuvai
Saugos priemonės
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  • Apgyvendinimo įstaiga suteikia svečiams termometrus
Fizinis atstumas
  • Galima mokėti ne grynaisiais
Kaina nakčiai
2 asm.
Užsakymo suma
1 nakv. / 2 asm.