Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

Located in the San Lazaro neighbourhood,10 minutes’ drive from the historic centre of Santiago, Hotel Santiago Apóstol lies at the end of the French Route of the pilgrimage. Buses to the city centre stop outside the hotel. Free WiFi and free outdoor...

Viso kambarių: 5

Svarbi informacija

Please note that we know that pets are part of the family, and their presence does not have to be incompatible during your stay with us; for this reason the Hotel Santiago Apóstol opens its doors to guests with pets. Below we detail a series of rules of conduct with respect to your dog in order to maintain harmony with the rest of the guests in our hotel. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT • Maximum weight allowed up to 10 kg. The hotel reserves the right not to admit the dog, in case of showing aggressiveness or inappropriate behavior. • A maximum of one pet per room is allowed. Price 15 euros per pet and night, limited availability, contact the hotel to book. (No pet is accepted without prior reservation) • Pets may not stay in common areas of the hotel, they may only pass through them to access the rooms or to leave the hotel. The noble areas of the hotel are understood to be the hall, reception, corridors, etc. (except guide dogs). • Nor will they be able to access the restaurant, bar-cafeteria, or breakfast buffet. The terrace of the cafeteria where your dog can be is excluded from this point. (always tied). • The client is responsible for any damage caused by the animal in the room or in any other area of the hotel. • In case of any accident with another animal or with a person, the owner of the pet will be responsible, exempting the hotel from all liability for legal purposes. • In the event that the pet makes noise or causes inconvenience, the hotel reserves the right to expel the client and the pet from it. • Whenever the animal circulates through common areas of the hotel, it must be on a leash or in your arms. • Pets are not allowed to be left alone in the room, except during meal times (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). You will have to leave a contact number and be reachable at the hotel. • We have limited space and a certain type of room in which to accommodate pets. • Both the bed and the feeding and drinking bowl will be in your room upon arrival at the hotel (if not, contact Reception, always subject to availability and prior reservation of the adapted room) and are the property of the hotel. In case you want to buy them to take away, the price of the bed is €45 and the containers are €16 (VAT included). We wish you a satisfactory stay and we remain at your disposal for any clarification.Prašome „“ iš anksto pranešti numatomą atvykimo laiką. Informaciją įrašykite pageidavimų laukelyje užsakymo metu arba tiesiogiai susisiekite su apgyvendinimo įstaiga – kontaktai nurodyti užsakymo patvirtinime. Įsiregistravimo metu svečiai turi pateikti galiojantį asmens tapatybės dokumentą su nuotrauka ir mokėjimo kortelę. Atkreipiame dėmesį, kad ypatingų pageidavimų įvykdymas negarantuojamas ir gali kainuoti papildomai.

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Maisto ir gėrimų saugumas
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