Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

Once a patrician residence built in the 18th century, the Hotel Tamaro can be found right on the banks of Lake Maggiore in the centre of Ascona. Fine Swiss and Mediterranean cuisine is served under ancient vaults or in the charming covered courtyard.

Viso kambarių: 7

Svarbi informacija

Please inform the hotel if arrival is after 17:00.The hotel is located in a car-free area. It is possible to reach the hotel to load and unload the luggage. Please enter the car-free area from the town side by pushing the Hotel Tamaro button at the barrier. Please note that the city tax includes the Ticino Ticket. It offers free benefits and discounts in the Canton of Ticino, including free use of train and bus services. For more details, please contact the property directly.

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