Sodybos, viešbučiai, apartamentai
Paieška ir rezervavimas

On the banks of the River Tyne, tucked away in Newcastle's vibrant Quayside, this stunning 4-star boutique hotel offers stylish rooms, superb views, a gym, and free WiFi throughout. The Malmaison Newcastle is housed in a beautifully converted river-...

Viso kambarių: 10

Svarbi informacija

When booking 6 rooms or more, different policies and additional supplements will apply. The property will contact the guest following their reservation. The Breakfast inclusive rates include a Full-cooked breakfast and Dinner inclusive rates includes 2 courses from our seasonal menu. Supplements apply to certain items. Inclusions only apply for adults. Children’s Breakfast is not included in the advertised rates and the charges are as follows directly to the hotel: 0-4 years old – Breakfast Complimentary/5- 11 years old – Breakfast charged at 50% full price/ 12 and over breakfast charged at full adult price. Kids Dinner Menu also available. We have designated spaces in the Sandgate MSCP, (Postcode NE1 2NG), which is just over the road from the hotel. Simply drive in, park on the top blue floor in a designated Malmaison space and provide your registration number when checking into the hotel. When it is time to leave, simply drive out. The car park operates with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), so failure to provide your registration may result in a fine from the car park company. The charge, which will be added to your hotel bill is £10 per night Monday to Thursday, or £6 per night Friday to Sunday. These prices are based on 24 hour stays. If the Malmaison spaces are all occupied, please use a public space and use the payment machines at the car park to pay each time you exit the car park. For day visitors, please use the public spaces where there is an hourly rate which can be paid directly at the car park, using the payment machines at the end of your visit. The car park has a height restriction of 2.19 metres. The hotel has entrances at both the front and back of the building. If you need to drop off / collect luggage you may park at the front of the hotel (river side) for a maximum of 20 minutes. This is also possible at the back entrance (Sandgate) but involves steps. Please ensure you do not exceed 20 minutes as ANPR cameras are in operation. When travelling with a dog, please note that an extra charge of £25 for 1 dog or £40 for maximum 2 dogs, per night applies. Dogs are allowed in designated guest rooms-please notify the hotel in advance. Our Spa is open from Monday to Sunday - 10am to 6pm.

Daugiau informacijos »
  • Svečiai priimami su augintiniais
  • Numeriai nerūkantiems
  • Numeriai ir paslaugos svečiams su negalia
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  • Seifas
  • Šildymas
  • Antialerginis numeris
  • Viešbučio teritorijoje draudžiama rūkyti
  • Oro kondicionierius
  • Belaidis internetas veikia visose patalpose
  • Treniruoklių salė
  • SPA ir sveikatingumo centras
  • Masažas
  • SPA paslaugos
  • SPA / sveikatinimo paketai
  • Nugaros masažas
  • Kaklo masažas
  • Galvos masažas
  • Viso kūno masažas
  • Aptarnavimas numeriuose
  • Konferencijų ir banketų salė
  • Visą parą dirbanti registratūra
  • Skalbimo paslaugos
  • Cheminis valymas
  • Valiutos keitimas
  • Faksas / kopijavimas
  • Bagažo saugykla
  • Kasdienės tvarkymo paslaugos
  • Guolis augintiniams
  • Dubenėliai augintiniams
Maistas ir gėrimai
  • Restoranas
  • Baras
  • Specialios dietos meniu (pagal užsakymą)
  • Vaikų meniu
  • Vynas / šampanas
  • Kavinė (vietoje)
  • Internetas
  • Belaidis internetas
  • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
  • Vieta automobiliui
  • Vieta automobiliui garaže
  • Asmenims su negalia pritaikyta vieta automobiliui
  • Apsauga 24 val.
  • Įėjimas naudojant raktų korteles
  • Signalizacija
  • Dūmų detektorius
  • Stebėjimo kameros bendro naudojimo patalpose
  • Stebėjimo kameros apgyvendinimo įstaigos teritorijoje
  • Gesintuvai
Saugos priemonės
  • Pirmosios pagalbos vaistinėlės
Fizinis atstumas
  • Galima mokėti ne grynaisiais
Valymas ir dezinfekcija
  • Valymui naudojamos veiksmingai koronavirusą šalinančios buitinės chemijos priemonės
  • Svečiai gali atsisakyti viešnagės vietos valymo paslaugos
Maisto ir gėrimų saugumas
  • Galimybė maistą užsisakyti į numerį